DCFC vs L2: Is Faster Always Better?
DCFC vs L2: Is Faster Always Better?

May 02, 2024


When it comes to choosing the right Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE), you’ll likely evaluate L3, or Direct Current Fast Charging (DCFC), and Level 2 (L2) charging.What’s the difference between these two? The answer is simple; DCFC offers exactly what its name implies, fast charging. DCFC chargers are typically found alongside busy traffic

How EverCharge and Pacific Current Are Solving Multifamily Home Charging in Hawaii
How EverCharge and Pacific Current Are Solving Multifamily Home Charging in Hawaii

November 18, 2019


Photo by Marcus Lenk / UnsplashIf you're one of the millions of people around the world who live in multifamily housing and want to own an electric vehicle you've probably run in to plenty of problems getting charging. However, EverCharge's new partnership aims to solve this problem once and for all.

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